Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Do You Want a Relationship or Not?

I know, the title sounds like the teaser line for the next Dr. Phil show, but that isn't what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about your vendor or supplier relationships. You know, those times when you are the Customer . . .

Recently I was the Customer of 800-CEO-Read's wonderfully cool new service/website, InBubbleWrap. InBubbleWrap is a site that helps publishers and authors spread buzz about their books by giving away those books.


Five days a week a new book is featured and some people who raise their hand as being interested in that particular title will win a copy delivered to them, you guessed it, in bubble wrap. (Read my previous posts about the site here and here).

I contacted them through their site to inquire about publicizing my new book in this way. Their site was helpful and told me exactly what I needed to do, including providing them sales copy describing the book. I did all of those things and looked forward to the day that Vantagepoints on Learning and Life would be the featured book.

At just after 10 am my time, the site was updated with my book.

What I saw was an amazing testimonial for my book - and none of the copy I had written.

I immediately emailed the self titled "InBubbleGuy", Ryan Schleicher, to thank him.

Since then we have had several email conversations and a phone conversation. We have talked about ways we can help each other, and it looks like there are other ways we might be able to collaborate, time will tell.

I don't need the luxury of time though to tell you about the relationship that has been built - hopefully this post makes that pretty clear. And to be extra clear, while I loved what Ryan said about my book, this isn't a kudo because he stroked my ego with kind words.

The message to us as Customers is to look for more than transactions from our suppliers - to look for relationships.

The message to us as those serving Customers is to look for ways to create more than transactions - to create relationships.

We can have transactions or we can create relationships. As Customers, one option will provide us services, the other joy. As suppliers, one option will provide us with cash flow, the other with a long term flow of business and a lot more enjoyable work.

I know which one I want. What about you?

Worst or Best Day of the Year?

The headlines from last year stated - British psychologist calculates "most depressing day" and his calculations came determined that day to be January 24.

Quoting from the article,

The equation is broken down into seven variables: (W) weather, (D) debt, (d) monthly salary, (T) time since Christmas, (Q) time since failed quit attempt, (M) low motivational levels and (NA) the need to take action.

Wonderful, just wonderful.

Do I share this to give us license to feel badly, walk around moping or looking like we just ate a lemon today?


I share this to help us all prove the good doctors wrong today. I'm sure there is some validity in the equation - each of the factors listed could seem to have some impact on a person's mental state - but none of them have to.

Here is my challenge to you.

Make it a great day. Make it a day where your heart and mind and spirit soar.

If the weather is gray and foggy, so what. Are you going to let water droplets influence your day?

If you have already back slid on your New Year's Resolution, that trend can be reversed... starting today.

If you have more bills than you wish you did, don't spend any money today.

When you see someone smile, smile back.
When you are in your car, let the person merge.
When you think someone is being mean, look for a different explanation.
When you feel blue, think yellow.
Read a book you love.
Watch something that makes you laugh.
Serve your Customers with cheer, knowing you can positiviely influence their day by your interaction.

While I could type all day, you get the picture. What am I really saying?

Make a choice.

Make a choice to create a great day today.

Make a choice to make January 24 your best day of the year so far.

It is off to a good start.

Use today as a test case for yourself. After all, if you can make it a great day on the "most depressing day of the year" you can do it anytime!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Ok... one more quick post.

If you haven't ever been to InBubbleWrap, today is the day.

Read my November post about the site and then go to my post on the Vantagepoints blog learn more about the site and why today is the day to check it out!

8 Days...

... is the longest I've gone without posting one this blog in a very long time. If you are a long time, regualr reader, I'm sorry.

Actually, I'm sorry for myself, because I get joy and learning from posting here and when I don't, I miss it.

Along with the two keynotes and one workshop I've given since my last post I have been busy finishing up and readying myself for our best seller promotion for my book Vantagepoints on Learning and Life. You can learn more about it on the Vantagepoints blog, or read here later when I tell you more about it.

For now though, I'm back to it.

Don't worry, I've got lots of things I've been thinking aobut and soI hope to be back to "regular blogging service" soon.

Monday, January 2, 2006

The Go Gratitude Experiment

I believe that gratitude is one of the most powerful of emotions and mindsets we possess. It can help us change our attitude, serve others better and open our minds and hearts to even greater things.

Beyond the value of gratitude in our personal lives, greater gratitude can make us a more effective leader, a better teammate and more compassionate when serving Customers.

Both my personal feelings and the business realities of gratitude is probably why I was drawn to the Go Gratitude Experiment.

I encourage you to check it out. If you sign up as I did, you'll only be one day behind me as I received my first lesson in email this morning.