Monday, August 16, 2004

Favorite Words

I've always kept a list of favorite words in my mind. Some, because I like the way they sound, and some because of their meanings. One of my all time favorties - for both reasons (especially the meaning) is serendipity (click HERE for a definition).

Imagine my surprise and delight today when I found a list of favorite words for the year, and that serendipity was #2! Check out the list and the definitions. Clearly some very cool words. Any of them on your list?

Serendipity is a great word and something I love in my life, but too often organizations assume good Customer Service will happen, due to , well, serendipity! This of course isn't true - good Customer Service comes from clear focus, consistent hiring and training and a myriad of other processes.

We can't leave it to chance.