Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Do You Want a Relationship or Not?

I know, the title sounds like the teaser line for the next Dr. Phil show, but that isn't what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about your vendor or supplier relationships. You know, those times when you are the Customer . . .

Recently I was the Customer of 800-CEO-Read's wonderfully cool new service/website, InBubbleWrap. InBubbleWrap is a site that helps publishers and authors spread buzz about their books by giving away those books.


Five days a week a new book is featured and some people who raise their hand as being interested in that particular title will win a copy delivered to them, you guessed it, in bubble wrap. (Read my previous posts about the site here and here).

I contacted them through their site to inquire about publicizing my new book in this way. Their site was helpful and told me exactly what I needed to do, including providing them sales copy describing the book. I did all of those things and looked forward to the day that Vantagepoints on Learning and Life would be the featured book.

At just after 10 am my time, the site was updated with my book.

What I saw was an amazing testimonial for my book - and none of the copy I had written.

I immediately emailed the self titled "InBubbleGuy", Ryan Schleicher, to thank him.

Since then we have had several email conversations and a phone conversation. We have talked about ways we can help each other, and it looks like there are other ways we might be able to collaborate, time will tell.

I don't need the luxury of time though to tell you about the relationship that has been built - hopefully this post makes that pretty clear. And to be extra clear, while I loved what Ryan said about my book, this isn't a kudo because he stroked my ego with kind words.

The message to us as Customers is to look for more than transactions from our suppliers - to look for relationships.

The message to us as those serving Customers is to look for ways to create more than transactions - to create relationships.

We can have transactions or we can create relationships. As Customers, one option will provide us services, the other joy. As suppliers, one option will provide us with cash flow, the other with a long term flow of business and a lot more enjoyable work.

I know which one I want. What about you?

1 comment:

  1. Good point Kevin. By the way, I can't wait to read your book.

    Customer realtionships are the bridges of trust that allow customers to cross and engage us in a partnership in which the company and customer win together.

    Is making money the object here? No, it's the relationships we build. Trust me if you build them the money will come on its own along with customer Loyalty, retention and the customer advocate.
