- I don't think.
- I don't know.
- I don't care.
- I am too busy.
- I leave well enough alone.
- I have no time to read and find out.
- I am not interested.
- Too often, sadly, people don't think.
- While not knowing isn't a crime in itself, it becomes one when it is a closing statement, rather than an opening one. (Are the trainers and Customer Service leaders among us listening?)
- Giving people reasons to care is one of the most powerful things we can do as a leader.
- Everyone is busy. But the paradox is that the busiest among us always seem to be able to get one more thing done. Sort of takes the value out of that excuse, doesn't it?
- Leave it alone, and no change will occur. The problem is, often, it isn't "well enough" to start with.
- Ever made it ok for people to read on the job? Why not? Give people opportunities to find ways to learn.
- Interest drives action which is a precursor to achievement. As trainers we need to help people be interested in learning new skills. As leaders we must cultivate interest in our team members.
The critical question is - what will you do to reduce the organizational crime in your organization (or behind your desk)?
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